
7 способов организовать в этом учебном году

Мужчина и женщина используют Google Drive и облако для синхронизации файлов между компьютером и смартфоном

Организовать школу стало намного проще, чем в предыдущих поколениях, благодаря изобретению высокотехнологичных продуктов, программ, услуг и устройств.

Вот семь наших любимых советов по использованию технологий для организации школьной жизни в этом семестре.

Используйте облачные резервные копии для сохранения и защиты вашей работы

Ничто так не выбивает из расписания средней школы, университета или студента, как случайное удаление важных компьютерных файлов. Потеря эссе или проекта может отнять у вас часы или даже дни позади ваших одноклассников, и, что еще хуже, случайное удаление файла не является оправданием для многих учителей в наши дни. Тебе понадобится резервная копия.

Мужчина и женщина используют Google Drive и облако для синхронизации файлов между компьютером и смартфоном

Google Drive может сохранять данные в облаке и синхронизировать файлы на разных устройствах.
Westend61 / Бренд Х Картинки

By far the easiest and most-reliable backup method is to utilize a cloud save service. Once they’re set up, they run in the background on your computer, tablet, or smartphone and save all changes to supported files to the cloud (i.e. their online servers).

Many cloud services offer a free option which is usually enough for most people if you’re simply using it to backup Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files. Some of the more-popular ones worth checking out include Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive. School organization has never been easier.

Get Enough Sleep and Exercise With a Smartwatch

Once classes start, it can be hard to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and exercise. A smartwatch, like the ones designed by Fitbit, are a great solution to unorganized routines. They can tell you how long you were in bed, exactly how many minutes you were actually asleep, and even how deeply you were sleeping. They can also make you aware of how much, or little, you’re exercising throughout the day and motivate you to move more if needed.

Syncing your Fitbit tracker with your iPhone or Android smartphone is a great way to view your stats.

Many smartwatches also have the ability to sync to your smartphone or computer and can relay reminders which can help you stay on top of classes, meetings, and projects. Worthwhile smartwatches include the Fitbit Ionic, the Fitbit Versa, and the Apple Watch. Younger students may be interested in the Fitbit Ace.

Stay on Schedule With a Task Management App

Thanks to the advent of smartphones and computers, the days of using pen and paper to remember project deadlines and classes are long gone.

Microsoft To-Do is great for keeping track of assignments.

The free calendar apps on your Apple, Android, or Windows device can easily keep track of your class schedules and assignments, but many students prefer to use apps or services that focus entirely on task management, such as Trello, Asana, and Microsoft To-Do. Each of these make it easy to create a task, set a due date for it, share it with friends or classmates, and mark it as done as soon as it’s completed. These apps can also send you a notification or email when you need a reminder to check your reminders.

Keep Your Devices Charged With a Solar Powered Backpack

A solar backpack will help keep all your devices charged at school and on trips.

On a budget or already have a backpack? Pick up a small portable solar charger instead.

Keep Track of Bags, Keys, and Wallets With Smart Tags

Misplacing your bag, car keys, wallet, or school supplies can derail your entire day, but there’s no excuse for allowing this to happen now that smart tags exist. These clever devices can be attached to your belongings, or placed inside a bag or wallet. Once connected to your smartphone, it’ll keep track of them via Bluetooth. The two main smart tags on the market are Tile and TrackR.

Reclaim Productivity With Internet Blocking Apps

Email, Facebook, and Twitter can become huge distractions that decrease your productivity enormously. One way to combat the allure of the internet’s numerous distractions is to use an app designed to do just that.

Organize your computer time by forcing yourself to go offline.
 Hero Images

Three popular services are Freedom, Cold Turkey, and StayFocused. Each one can block specific sites and services, or the internet as a whole, for a customizable period of time. They’re the perfect tools for those that can’t resist hitting that inbox refresh button just one more time.

Declutter Your Wallet by Digitizing Your Bank and Rewards Cards

There’s nothing more embarrassing or time-consuming than spending five minutes at a checkout trying to find your bank or membership cards. It’s time to streamline your wallet by removing all of your cards and adding them to your smartphone.

Organize your wallet or purse by adding all of your cards to your smartphone.
KNSY / Corbis

All major smartphones now allow users to add their credit and debit card information to their mobile payment platform. Once entered, you can then use your phone to pay at businesses with a simple tap. Acceptance of this payment method is pretty widespread, so not only is this more convenient for you, but since your phone never shares your card number during a transaction, it’s also much safer.

Reward or member cards can also be added to you smartphone with an app like StoCard on Android or the Passbook app on iPhone.

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