
Что такое модем в компьютерной сети?

Иллюстрация, объясняющая, что такое модем

Модем преобразует данные в сигнал, чтобы их можно было легко отправлять и принимать по телефонной линии, кабельному или спутниковому соединению. Для передачи по аналоговой телефонной линии, которая когда-то была самым популярным способом доступа в Интернет, модем преобразует данные между аналоговым и цифровым форматами в режиме реального времени для двусторонней сетевой связи. В случае популярных на сегодняшний день высокоскоростных цифровых модемов сигнал намного проще и не требует аналого-цифрового преобразования.

Иллюстрация, объясняющая, что такое модем

Что такое модем в компьютерной сети?

История модемов

Modems gradually became familiar to consumers in the late 1970s through the 1980s as public message boards and news services like CompuServe were built on early internet infrastructure. Then, with the explosion of the World Wide Web in the mid and late 1990s, dial-up modems emerged as the primary form of internet access in many households around the world.

Dial-Up Modems

Modems used on dial-up networks convert data between the analog form used on telephone lines and the digital form used on computers. An external dial-up modem plugs into a computer at one end and a telephone line on the other end. In the past, some computer makers integrated internal dial-up modems into the computer.

Modern dial-up network modems transmit data at a maximum rate of 56,000 bits per second. However, the inherent limitations of public telephone networks often limit modem data rates to 33.6 Kbps or lower.

When you connect to a network through a dial-up modem, the modem relays through a speaker the distinctive handshaking sounds between your device and the remote modem. Because the connection process and data patterns are similar each time, hearing the sound pattern helps you verify whether the connection process is working.

Broadband Modems

broadband modem like those used for DSL or cable internet access uses advanced signaling techniques to achieve dramatically higher network speeds than earlier-generation dial-up modems. Broadband modems are often referred to as high-speed modemsCellular modems are a type of digital modem that establishes internet connectivity between a mobile device and a cell phone network.

The word modem is a mashup of the term modulation/demodulation, which is the technical term for the conversion between digital and analog signals.

External broadband modems plug into a home broadband router or other home gateway device on one end and the external internet interface such as a cable line on the other. The router or gateway directs the signal to all the devices in the business or home as needed. Some broadband routers include an integrated modem as a single hardware unit.

Many broadband internet providers supply suitable modem hardware to their customers at no charge or for a monthly fee.

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