
TweetDeck против HootSuite

TweetDeck против Hootsuite

Если ваша работа связана с обновлением социальных сетей и взаимодействием с подписчиками, вы можете задаться вопросом, какая платформа управления социальными сетями лучше для вас и вашей команды. Два самых популярных варианта — TweetDeck и HootSuite . Вот быстрое сравнение.

TweetDeck против Hootsuite

Общие выводы

  • Простой и чистый вид.

  • Ограниченная интеграция профилей.

  • Совершенно бесплатно.

  • Обширное меню.

  • Работает с более широким спектром аккаунтов.

  • Бесплатная учетная запись включает до трех социальных профилей, а также базовые аналитические отчеты и планирование сообщений.

И TweetDeck, и HootSuite — хороший выбор для людей, которые хотят отслеживать свои учетные записи в Twitter. Но если вам нужно приложение, которое работает не только в Twitter, HootSuite — ваш единственный вариант.

Доступность: только TweetDeck имеет настольные приложения

  • Desktop apps for OS X and Windows.

  • Mobile apps on Android and iOS.

  • Has a Chrome extension.

  • Mobile apps on Android and iOS.

  • Has a Chrome extension.

TweetDeck has desktop applications for both OS X and Windows. HootSuite only works inside a web browser. Both services offer mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, as well as Chrome browser extensions.

Layout: Simple vs. Extensive

  • Add as many columns as you want.

  • Has a pop-up box for notifications.

  • Simple and clean look.

  • Add as many columns as you want.

  • An extensive menu displays on the left side.

  • No pop-up box.

TweetDeck has a neat pop-up box that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen every time an update is posted. The button to post triggers a column on the right side with the social profiles connected to TweetDeck so you can post to multiple profiles. It has a clean and straightforward look.

HootSuite has an extensive menu to the left side when you roll the mouse over any icon. That’s where you adjust settings, get analytics, and more. Unlike TweetDeck, HootSuite doesn’t offer a pop-up box in the corner of the screen for live updates. The post box is located at the top of the screen. There’s also a section on the left to choose the profiles you want to update.

Social Media Profile Integration: More Options with HootSuite

  • Only works with Twitter.

  • Works with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, WordPress, and Instagram.

  • Extensive app directory to connect to other profiles like Tumblr and Flickr.

There’s a difference between what TweetDeck and HootSuite handle in terms of social media profile integration. TweetDeck is limited, but HootSuite offers many options.

For updating accounts other than Twitter, HootSuite is a better option. It can be integrated with Facebook profiles, pages, and groups and with LinkedIn profiles, groups, and companies. HootSuite also works with Twitter, YouTube, WordPress, and Instagram accounts. It has an extensive app directory you can use to connect to more profiles like Tumblr and Flickr.

Although HootSuite connects to more social networks than TweetDeck, a free account with HootSuite allows up to three social profiles, basic analytics reporting, and message scheduling. You’ll need to upgrade to a Pro account to manage more than three profiles and access advanced features.

Social Media Management Features: HootSuite is Robust

  • Limited features.

  • Change the theme, manage column layouts, choose a link shortener, and more.

  • More robust features, including full analytical reports of your social interactions.

  • More features are available with a Pro or Business account.

HootSuite is the clear winner here when it comes to extra features. All you have to do is explore the menu of the left side to find these features. You can display an analytical report of your social interaction, create and manage assignments with your team, participate in conversations with team members, and more. When you upgrade to a Pro or Business account, you have access to other amazing tools and features.

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