
8 лучших приложений HDR для камер 2020 года

Скриншоты приложения TADAA на iPhone

Вам больше не нужна камера DSLR, чтобы получить идеальный снимок. Ваше мобильное устройство может быть единственной HDR-камерой, которая необходима для съемки профессиональных фотографий, будь то новичок или опытный в полевых условиях. Чтобы начать, вот лучшие приложения HDR камеры 2020 года.

из 08

Camera + 2: лучшее приложение HDR Camera для предустановок сцены

Снимки экрана приложения Камера + 2 на iPhone
Что нам нравится
  • Имеет все необходимое для быстрого создания профессиональных фотографий.

  • Предварительные настройки сцены упрощают съемку пейзажей и портретов одним касанием экрана.

  • Такие инструменты, как встроенные рамки и фильтры, позволяют мгновенно развернуть изображения, достойные социальных сетей.

Что нам не нравится
  • Приложение имеет некоторую кривую обучения, особенно для начинающих фотографов.

Having a collection of scene presets for your photos is a dream come true for amateur and professional photographers alike. The Camera+ 2 app offers scenes such as Portrait, Food, Backlit, Night, Shade, and more to fit the mood of your photo.

The camera is easy to use and the photos you take are added to your Camera+ 2 Lightbox, instead of your photo library, saving space. Camera+ 2’s Lab gives you editing options such as tinting, straightening, duotone, clarity, and more.

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Enlight Quickshot: Best HDR Camera App for Landscape Photography

What We Like
  • Built-in sky enhancements turn boring photos into masterpieces.

  • Built-in HDR mode is perfect for professional photographers looking to enhance their portraits and landscapes.

What We Don’t Like
  • To access most of what this app has to offer, you’ll need to purchase a Pro subscription.

Want to change a gloomy sky into a breathtaking sunny summer day? The Enlight Quickshot app makes that and more possible. The app includes a full HDR mode, complete with filters and enhancements such as the sky enhancement. Change the sky in your photo using Enlight’s pre-made filters to add stunning effects quickly.

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Hydra: Best HDR Camera App for Gorgeous Filtering

What We Like
  • Multiple image merging for the best quality photo.

  • Up to 32-megapixel high-resolution images.

  • Filters are created to enhance your photos, not take away from them.

What We Don’t Like
  • Hydra is known for its merging capabilities, but its HDR mode for quick photography could be improved.

Hydra offers photographers one of the most beautiful interfaces for HDR camera apps. Combining full HDR capabilities with a load of gorgeous filters, this app is perfect for professionals and amateurs alike. Hydra can merge up to 60 frames at a time to create a single high-quality picture.

Hydra’s HDR mode is made to handle the most difficult of lighting situations from dark to light. Lo-Light mode removes sensor noise by merging together multiple images and amplifying light by a factor of 10. All of this and more await you inside Hydra.

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