
Зачем начинать свой блог в Blogger

Blogger , платформа Google для ведения блогов, предлагает самую низкую стоимость входа в блоги — это бесплатно. Да, Blogger предлагает бесплатный хостинг для блогов, и вы можете даже заработать на этом немного денег, если хотите принимать рекламу.

Большие блоги могут в конечном итоге перейти на другие платформы, такие как WordPress или Moveable Type , где владельцы имеют больший контроль над опциями и рекламными сетями. Владельцам больших блогов нравится размещать на этих отдельных платформах, потому что они имеют больший контроль, но эти хостинговые платформы стоят дорого.

Узнайте веревки в Blogger

Starting out on Blogger and taking advantage of its free offerings helps you learn the ropes of blogging. You’re not going to become the next internet sensation overnight, so you don’t need to spend all your money on hosting fees. Your archived blog posts can be moved wherever you need to move them when you strike it big. Your feed can transfer, too. The barrier that holds a lot of people back from starting a blog on Blogger is a misconception that Blogger doesn’t let you use your own URL.

Add a Custom Domain

Blogger has allowed custom URLs for quite some time, and they currently integrate with Google Domains for easy domain registration as you create your blog. A custom URL with Blogger costs only a few dollars, and you don’t have to put any ads on your site. If you do put ads there, they’re ads you profit from.

If you register your blog from scratch, a dialog that asks if you’d like to set up a domain. If you’re editing an existing blog, go into Settings: Basic and choose +Add a custom domain. You can add either add an existing domain you’ve already registered or register a new domain right on the spot. It costs only a few dollars and registration is easy.

Free hosting, ads that potentially make you money (if you want to show them at all), and cheap domain registration—all this makes Blogger appealing to the new blogger.

Customize Your Blog’s Appearance

You can further customize your blog with gadgets. Google offers a large selection of gadgets, and if you have the skills, you can create and upload your own gadgets. 

Monetize Your Blog

Blogger integrates Google AdSense ads easily. You can also work out deals with paid endorsements and other monetizing strategies. Just be sure to abide by Google’s terms of service for both Blogger and AdSense. AdSense won’t place ads in adult-oriented material, for example. 

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